Reflection: Week of May 14

 Technology Reflection

    Technology has quickly become the new society. Children rather play video games, text, call, email rather than enjoying the things around them. One of the very first videos I watched, the interviewers asked parents and grandparents what they enjoyed doing when they were children. Answers varied from "playing outside" to "making forts with my family." When the younger generation was asked the same thing, it was all technology based. Technology has become today's norm. 
    Another video was shown about a pepper hacker. This household item would turn off every electronic device in the house. Tantrums were thrown, to include many phones, tablets, etc. The result, after the tantrums and confusion, was remarkable. Families sat at the dinner table, laughing, and enjoying each other. Technology has been a very easy tool to keep children occupied while adults do whatever they need to do. I believe that this was the case for a lot of the fits that were thrown once the pepper shaker turned. 
    Albert Einstein was even afraid that technology would overrule personal interaction. I am afraid it has in many cases. However, technology has been very useful in some cases. At the top of my brain, I think GPS locating for law enforcement to find a missing person, information is read faster, military intelligence, etc. In the articles provided, technology has been the hero, instead of the villain. 
    The first article I read was the gene edited babies experiment. The article talked about how they have used technology to rewrite the blueprint of DNA. The main purpose for this experiment was to try to alter embryos in order to try to resist the possible future infection of the HIV, AIDS virus. The experiment could not have taken place without enhanced technology. Within the medical field, technology has aided into a lot of cures and medicine that might not have been able to be discovered until very later on. Technology has been a superhero throughout many medical practices. 
    Technology has even helped discover the human genome. Essentially, the next article talked about how technology assisted with helping "...broadening - opportunities to understand human disease," said Karen Miga. Technology has been a consistent helper in helping enhance health and understanding. 
    Not only has technology assisted in the medical field, but also in daily gadgets as well. Some inventions can include:
  • field of vision device (Soccer for the visually impaired)
  • augmented job training
  • an always-on dash cam
  • a window into the universe
  • home gym equipment 
  • powerline monitoring
Technology has assisted society with numerous amounts of help. From beauty, medical, all the way to nature. In some cases, such as these, technology has been a very useful tool. 

Although technology has stood out within millennial usage, technology has also been embraced in older generations as well. Despite the cons of technology (over use, no personal interaction), technology has been such an effective tool to use today. 


  1. I agree that technology has overruled personal interaction. Many children of the younger generation have become so overly consumed with screens and social media that they ignore what is around them. I personally think that kids need to get outside and enjoy nature more often than they do now. I think the good does outweigh the bad though, as long as you know how to manage and balance how much technology you use. Like you said, technology is definitely an effective tool we use today.

  2. Technology has changed so much over years and has taken control over the new generation. It is sad to think that younger kids are stuck in their screens instead of viewing the wonders of this world. Yes, it can all be seen through a screen but its not the same of viewing it in person. I think technology is not good or bad it just depends how we use it.

  3. Technology has changed how today's classrooms are ran. Thank you so much for sharing this information that you have found about todays technology's impact.


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