TPACK, Net Generation, Teaching and Technology (Questions and Inquiries)

 Technology has shaped society today. There is bias in these articles whether it has been a positive or negative. I believe, if used the correct way, technology can be used as a great asset. There will always be those students that play games or use their laptop, iPad, or whatever the school provides while using it in a lesson. While I was in school, the administration was able to block certain sites so we wouldn't be able to access them. Certain precautions can be put in place so technology can thrive in the learning environment. That being said, what about on the teacher-side of things. I have already seen some lesson plans and activities online. What does teaching with technology look like in the future? Will educators be responsible for creating lesson plans? Another question that I thought of while reading these articles was: Will we switch to online classrooms? Since COVID, schools have used technology to continue with lessons. In my personal opinion, it was a lot harder to focus during class time, do assignments, and projects. In ten years, will we still be in person, or will technology over power and demolish the human interaction that our children, and us, so desperately need. 


  1. Technology has been growing so much especially in classrooms. Now I have seen students using their Chromebook for everything. And I wonder the same will us educators teach in person in the future or will technology take over.

  2. Social interaction is so important to a student's learning and overall education. That is one of my worries about technology being used so heavily in a classroom. Technology might take away from hands-on learning and activities, group discussions and projects, and listening/following directions. I believe that the development of social skills is more important than learning every aspect of technology. I do however believe that technology can be a good thing if used in the correct manner and to a certain amount. I do not think that it is good if it is being overused though. Pencil and paper still need to be an important part of the classroom setting.


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