3D Technology

3D technology can be defined as a computer based graphic that provides depth (with technology) like real world objects. It also gives students a whole new meaning to their learning experience. 3D technology can be incorporated into the classroom in many ways. Personally, my favorite is the virtual 3D tours of museums. Depending on the location of your school, some big and famous museums might be out of the question for a field trip. Since new technology has arose, it is now possible through 3D virtual tours. Places like the Smithsonian, NASA, and other great museums like these are now at the finger tips of our students! Why not explore it? Some other ideas for 3D technology can include 3D printing for mathematics and science, creating realistic rooms (classrooms too!), and much more! Here are a few examples of what 3D technology can look like! 


  1. Hello Patti,
    I agree with you on what you said about 3D printing. I like to visit museums but some of the best ones are too far away and too expensive. There are visual tours but great teachers can now print small models to show students with 3D printers and make the experience feel even better. I think 3D printing is something that all schools should have but I understand not all schools have the money.

  2. I enjoyed the 3D virtual tours. It is so awesome and you can view the objects from all different angles. I know many schools can not afford to take the students to a museum and this website is perfect.


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